Garage Gym
A. 0:00-4:00
Snatch Grip Sotts Press
3 x 5
Snatch Drop
4 x 4
Snatch Balance
5 x 3
q(1:30) x 5
1 pausing High Hang Squat Snatch
2 Hang Squat Snatch (knee level)
B. q(1:00) x 10
1 FS + 3 BS
*67% of 1 RM FS for all sets
C. AMRAP [4]
3 rounds
12 DL + 9 OHS + 6 HPS 95/95
Max cal row with remaining time
Rest [4]
2 rounds
12 DL + 9 OHS + 6 HPS 115/85
Max cal row with remaining time
Rest [4]
1 round
12 DL + 9 OHS + 6 HPS 135/95
Max cal row with remaining time
Home Workout (Bodyweight/Limited Equip)
A. AMRAP [15]
1 double DB HSC
1 double DB Thruster
30 DU/SU/Line hops
2 double DB HSC
2 double DB Thruster
30 DU/SU/Line hops
*increase DB work by 1 rep each round
B. 3 rounds
Minute 1 Work
:20 Max DB sPress
:20 DB Hollow Hold
:20 Max pushups
Minute 2 Rest
WU: 2x
200m Row + 15 KBS + 6 Inchworms