For the next 3 weeks, we will run the CrossFit Open workout on Fridays. Each Friday there will be a total of 4 different versions of the workout:
1. Level 1
2. Level 2
3. Level 3
4. Equipment Free
Everyone is welcome to work with a coach to determine the best option for them, including modifying one of the above versions. Traditionally in other years we would make the Open more of an “Event” and have athletes count reps/judge for each other but this year we will run the workouts with judging being optional, and done socially distanced. Those interested in being judged can work with your coach in class.
You have the option to sign up on for the Open ($20) – this is not required. Regardless of whether you sign up, you are able to do the workout on Fridays!
CrossFit Open 2021