03 10 14

Congratulations to Cat and Anmar for winning our Nutrition Challenge!  They changed their diets for almost 2 months and saw some amazing results!  The runner ups were: Dorian, Erik, Lydia and AC!  Great job everyone who decided to take a

02 26 14

Do it! Joe is “All In” CrossFit Games Open Update 2/22/14   Note: Our Friday 6:30PM class will be Open Gym format for the next 5 weeks.  Also, a few athletes will be performing the Open WOD at this time

02 17 14

Don’t forget our Snatch clinic is today (6:30PM) and Clean & Jerk clinic on Wednesday!   WOD 02 17 14 A. Back Squat:  Find a heavy 3, then go to (85% of H3) and perform (5×5).  Focus on bar speed