Thanks to the following folks who came out to our painting party on Sunday: Dallas, Matt, Liz, Eron, Greg, Kara, Mike, Alex, Kim, Dunsey! You guys rock! (On a related note, please excuse the mess near the walls until we
10 07 13
WOD 10 07 13 A. Back Squat: 6×5 @ 80%. If you fail a set, stick with 80% and get as many reps as you can. B. Wide stance good mornings (3×8) moderate weight. C. 15 min: Thrusters (65/45) Slamballs
10 03 13
WOD 10 03 13 A. Snatch Balance (5×2 AHAP)/OHS (5×3 at challenging weight) B. 10 minutes to work on Handstands. If comfortable, attempt to establish a max distance HS walk. If new, attempt to get comfortable kicking up to handstand