Happy Birthday to Ian today! Congratulations to everyone for finishing up the nutrition challenge! Please send in your stats! Congratulations to our very own (First Team All Star) Murphie Chappell and her team Carolina Phoenix for winning the
08 01 13
WOD 08 01 13 A. Back Squat (6@65%, 6@75%, 6@80%, 6@80%) B. GHR (3×6 AHAP) C. 8 min Perform each exercise as long as you can until you start to lose pace and slow down, then immediately switch to the
07 29 13
WOD 07 29 13 A1. BS (1×8@ 65%, 1×6@75%, 1×4@85%, 1×4@90%) A2. Strict Pullup (4 sets for max total reps) (Adv: Legless Rope Ascent) B. 4 Rounds for max reps: 20 sec ME DL (225/155), 40 sec Rest 20 sec ME