WOD 11 17 14 A1. BS 6×4 Across* A2. 6 x [1 set CTBPU / 5 K-Pullup / Kip practice (without pull)] B1. 5 sets: Max Parallete L sit or hollow hold. Rest for remainder of min. B2. Horiz
09 06 13
This weekend there will be a local competition and we have a few people competing: Carly will be competing in the individual female Rx division and a four-person team of Murph, Erik, Ian, and Ashley will be competing on Sunday.
06 05 13
Free BBQ! And about all those snazzy GIFs! WOD 06 05 13 A. Snatch Balance 8×2 (AHAP). Beginners can scale by snatch grip push jerk into OHS. B. Pronated Grip Body Row (with barbell) 3 sets for max reps.