Are you ready for our roadtrip? WOD 01 15 14 A. Deadlift (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%). Target >6 reps. B. Pullup reach (3×8) (get to top of pullup and extend one arm up reaching for another bar. Slight kip is
01 08 14
Our nutrition challenge starts on Monday 1/13! Who’s in? WOD 01 08 14 A. Deadlift: (5@59%, 5@68%, ME@77%). Add 10lbs to previous 1RM and then calculate percentages. B. Glute Ham Raise: 3 sets for max reps (max = 20). Add
12 11 13
Our HOLIDAY PARTY is this Saturday! Start thinking about those 2014 goals! Movement Screens tomorrow! New Athlete Profile! WOD 12 11 13 A1. Deadlift: (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%). No hitching! A2. Pullups: 3×5 weighed wide grip pullups. (or program). B. EMOM: 1 Squat Clean/Snatch (coach’s choice)