WOD 06 11 14 A. DL (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%) B. Weighted Front Rack BB Lunge (Step forward, step back (4×14 = 7L,7R) C. 4 attempts for max rep KBS. Stop before form is compromised. Score is sum of 4 sets. Rest as much as
06 10 14
Happy Birthday to Roger! WOD 06 10 14 A. BP (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%) B. EMOM [8]: 1 set strict dip C. [12] Every 90 sec, complete AFAP: 8 u/b PP (115/75) 8 burpees Comments: What made you smile yesterday? Post times, loads, and comments.
06 07 14
Open Gym format change Today Carly competes at the Capital City Games! Tomorrow Roger and Matt compete in the team competition! Come out and help cheer them on! Address is 6808-100 Davis Circle, Raleigh, North Carolina 27613. WOD 06 07 14 A.