07 30 13

WOD 07 30 13 A. Power Snatch 5×2 AHAP.  Beginners(OHS: 5×5) B. Starting with (either 65/95/135): EMOM: 1 Push Press.  (+10lbs/min).  If you fail a rep, keep the weight on the bar and perform the next movement in the sequence.

07 25 13

CrossFit Games Viewing Party 7/26 afternoon! Details here!   WOD 07 25 13 A. EMOM (20 min): Even: 3 position Clean (Floor+Hang+HiHang) @ 60% 1RM Odd: 4 Pistols + 6 burpees B. 5 Rounds: 7 DL (245/155) 35 Double Unders