The Open is officially over! I want to congratulate everyone for signing up for the Open and putting themselves into the face of competition (some of you for the first time ever!). As a box, we had some awesome accomplishments
03 31 13
Regular hours today – 11AM – 1PM! WOD 03 31 13 A. Bench Press (5@75%, 5@75%, 5+@75%) B. 3 Position Snatch C. For time: 5 Rounds: 6 HSPU 6 Cleans (185/135) 12 Pullups Post times, loads, and comments.
03 27 13
Exciting news folks! In the next few weeks, we will be onboarding a new coach to our coaching staff! Some of you may have seen him around the gym recently observing classes and helping you guys with some movements. His