Satana reps CFRTP on her vacation! WOD 10 20 14 A. FS 6×6 across B. Tall Box Jump (4×3) C (P). 7 RFT [C14]: 2 Cleans (205/125) 10 Deficit Pushups 20 Double Unders C (F): 7 RFT [C14]: 4 FS (75%) 10
10 13 14
Guys, we have been on a squatting cycle for the last 6 weeks and heading into the last 2 weeks. If you have been feeling extremely sore, it is encouraged to take a few days using low percentages as a
09 19 14
WOD 09 19 14 P A. BS 8×3 B. AMRAP [1:30]: Snatch (185/120). Select a weight between 75-80% your 1RM. C. “Elizabeth” FT [C10]: 21-15-9 of Cleans (any style) (135/95) Ring Dips F A. BS 8×3 B. AMRAP [4]: