02 08 14

CrossFit Games Open 2014 has arrived!  Have you registered for our team?  What have you got to lose? Our Snatch clinic and Clean and Jerk clinic have been changed to 2/17 and 2/19, respectively. (Originally 2/18 and 2/20)   WOD 02

12 11 13

Our HOLIDAY PARTY is this Saturday! Start thinking about those 2014 goals! Movement Screens tomorrow! New Athlete Profile!   WOD 12 11 13 A1. Deadlift:  (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%).  No hitching! A2. Pullups: 3×5 weighed wide grip pullups. (or program). B. EMOM: 1 Squat Clean/Snatch (coach’s choice)