CrossFit Games Open 2014 has arrived! Have you registered for our team? What have you got to lose? Our Snatch clinic and Clean and Jerk clinic have been changed to 2/17 and 2/19, respectively. (Originally 2/18 and 2/20) WOD 02
12 16 13
Thanks to everyone for coming out to our Christmas Party on Saturday night! It was a blast! Its flu season, so lets all do each other a favor and make sure we are doing the right thing to prevent
12 11 13
Our HOLIDAY PARTY is this Saturday! Start thinking about those 2014 goals! Movement Screens tomorrow! New Athlete Profile! WOD 12 11 13 A1. Deadlift: (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%). No hitching! A2. Pullups: 3×5 weighed wide grip pullups. (or program). B. EMOM: 1 Squat Clean/Snatch (coach’s choice)