WOD 08 29 14 A. [15] 1RM OHS B. [15] 1RM Bench Press C. [5] 1 set MR strict pullup D. [12] Run 1 mile E. If time allows, 1 set MR Pushup Post times, loads, and comments. Labor Day
05 08 13
WOD 05 08 13 A. Deadlift (5@36%, 5@45%, 5@54%) B. EMOM (8 sets): Strict Pullup (or Chinup). Score is total reps. C. 7 RFT: 10 Wallballs 20 Double Unders D. GHD Situps: 3 u/b sets. Select a manageable number of
03 11 13
Wow guys, what a weekend! It was incredible to see so many of you guys tackle this workout with such intensity this week (especially on Saturday!) Let’s keep up the intensity next week for 13.2! Scheduling/Programming update: For the next