Our HOLIDAY PARTY is this Saturday! Start thinking about those 2014 goals! Movement Screens tomorrow! New Athlete Profile! WOD 12 11 13 A1. Deadlift: (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%). No hitching! A2. Pullups: 3×5 weighed wide grip pullups. (or program). B. EMOM: 1 Squat Clean/Snatch (coach’s choice)
12 04 13
WOD 12 04 13 A1. Deadlift: (5@59%, 5@68%, ME@77%). Target 10+ reps. Use a mix grip. A2. Pullups: 3×5 weighed wide grip pullups. (or program). B. 3 RFT: 16 Burpees 14 T2B 12 Front Rack Box Step Ups (above knee height). Select a manageable
11 29 13
WODs at 10AM, 11AM today! WOD 11 29 13 A. Every 90 seconds for 12 min (8 reps): 1 Squat Clean + 1 Jerk (can skip jerk) B. In teams of 2, with 1PW@T, in 18 min: 100 Wallballs (20/14)