WOD 05 29 13 A. Deadlift (5@68%, 3@77%, ME@86%) B. AMRAP 12 min Row 150m 2-4-6-8… *Clean and Jerk (135/95)** 8 BF Burpees *Add 2 reps each round. **Optional: Snatch (135/95) C. Pronated grip hang for max time. (arms extended, 1.25 diam
05 22 13
Update regarding Phil’s party! “I wish I could do that…” Do you? Because you can; but don’t wait for the perfect moment to start. There is no perfect moment. Begin now. It doesn’t matter how. It doesn’t matter if
05 15 13
Phil’s farewell party! Competition List Updated WOD 05 15 13 A. Deadlift (5@59%, 5@68%, ME@77%) using 1RM* B. 5 RFT: 8 KB Swings (70/53) – russian is acceptable 10 Box Jumps (30″/24″) where 1RM* = (Old 1RM +