08 26 14

WOD 08 25 14 A. [20] 1RM DL B. [15] 1RM PP C. [C12] FT: Row 2000m Post times, loads, and comments. Alright folks, it’s testing week!  Time to see our improvements!  Post your PA’s! From the archives: Training, Testing, Competing

08 20 14

WOD 08 20 14 F A. DL 5×5 @ 60% B. [AMRAP 3]: 3-6-9-12…of (FS/T2B or ABMSU) Rest [3] C. [AMRAP 3]: 3-6-9-12…of (DL/Burpee) Rest [3] D. [AMRAP 3]: 3-6-9-12…of (Burpee/T2B). P A. Snatch Halting DL (BK)+ 2 Sn Chinese

08 13 14

Dave AKA “Mad Dog” will be relocating to Atlanta and today is his last day at the box!  Please come by to say goodbye!   WOD 08 15 14 A. 3 Rds NFT: 7 KBS, 7 Squats/WB B. DL (5@68%,3@77%,ME@86%) C.