WOD 08 06 14 A. DL (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%) Rest to 90% full recovery between B, C, and D. B. AMRAP [6]: 5 BS (225/155) 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats C. AMRAP [5]: 18-12-6 of DL (225/155). Perform 6 MU after each DL
07 23 14
Happy Birthday Erik “Jenkins”! WOD 07 23 14 A1. EMOM [10]: 5 x 30 sec max DU A2. EMOM [10]: 5 x 30 sec KB Swing or Snatch Perform B, C, and D with 1 continuous clock, teams of 2
07 16 14
Durham Bulls Social moved to next Monday (7/21)! WOD 07 16 14 A. DL (5@68%,3@77%,ME@86%) B1. Parallel Shoot Thru (1 rep = F+B) 3×5 B2. V ups (3×12) C. AMRAP 9: 3 Wall Climb (scale accordingly) 9 Burpees 27 Superman (3×15)