05 17 14

WOD 05 17 14 A. [25]: 1RM Clean (Adv: C&J) B. “Filthy Fifty” *Scale to “Dirty Thirty” [40] 50 Box jump (24″) 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 KBS (35) 50 Walking Lunge steps 50 K2E 50 PP (45) 50 Back extensions 50

05 16 14

WOD 05 16 14 A. [20] 1RM OHS B. [10] Max set DU C. “Grace”: 30 C&J NFT (135/95) (Adv: FT) D. (Optional EC – to be done after class: 30 MU FT) Comments: Why did the chicken cross the

05 06 14

Send Kim to Regionals T shirt Fundraiser!   WOD 05 06 14 The weight on the bar cannot decrease throughout [A,B,C].  Misses are allowed during C only. A. EMOM [4]: Press (4×3) B. EMOM [3]: PP (3×3) C. EMOM [5]: