Matt with 300# this past Sunday WOD 09 16 14 P A1. BTN Snatch Grip Push Press 6×4 A2. One-armed DB Hang Snatch 5×6 each arm Perform B and C with one running clock (B+C): [C14] B. 4 rds: 6 DL (275/195) 24 u/b
07 08 13
Nutrition Challenge starts today! WOD 07 08 13 A. BS (1×10@ 60%, 1×8@65%, 1×8@70%, 1×8@75%). B1. Bent Over Row 3×6 AHAP. Minimal to no rest after Rows. B2. 20 second flex hang (supinated grip) x 3. Rest up to 2-3