WOD 07 27 13 A. EMOM (15 min): 2-7 HSPU B. In teams of 2 (FT) w/ 1 person W@AT: Run 400m (team) 25 Front Squats (135/95) 25 BF Burpees 25 Pushups 2 Rope Climbs 20 FS 20 BF Burpees
07 16 13
Coaching update! In case you missed it, here is a recap of the competition this past weekend! Thanks to everyone who came out to support us on Saturday! Check out our upcoming Events! WOD 07 16 13 A. PP+PJ +
07 04 13
Gear up for our upcoming nutrition challenge starting July 8th! Our last seminar to go over the basics and rules is Saturday 7/6 @ 1:00PM! WOD 07 04 13 Holiday Schedule: 9AM, 10AM, 4PM. All other classes cancelled. Happy