Wellness Challenge Results are up! Social this Thursday (Trivia)! Have you registered for the CrossFit Games Open? (FYI: It is impossible for you to ‘hurt’ the performance of our team!) WOD 02 12 13 A. OHS 5-5-3-3-1-1-1. Go for a max
01 04 13
Everyone wanting to participate in the wellness challenge must attend one of our seminars. WOD 01 04 13 A1. Hollow Rocks 3×10 A2. Front Lever Negatives 3×4. Choose (tuck/1 foot tuck/2 feet out) B. For time: Row 500m 30 Overhead
12 22 12
Holiday Schedule: Normal hours thru 12/23 12/24: Closed 12/25: Closed 12/26: 5PM WOD only. All other classes cancelled. Are you traveling this holiday season? How far will you rep RTP gear? Send us your photos! WOD 12 22