Check this out! WOD 11 05 12 Today’s Strength portion is timed. A1. 20 seconds AMRAP Deadlift (T&G) x3. Load is up to you, but you must achieve 12 or more reps. Start this at 0:00, 5:00, 10:00 A2.
10 15 12
Thanks to everyone who came and made “The Shower Games” such a smashing success! Events: We will be giving back to the community this Saturday! Subsequently, all WODs this Saturday will be cancelled. Events: Both Aaron and Julie will be leaving
10 05 12
Good luck to our own Kris who will be competing this weekend at “Integrity’s Revenge” in Charleston, SC! This competition draws some serious competitors (read: elite athletes) and the competition will be hot! The mens and womens winners from last