WOD 08 29 14 A. [15] 1RM OHS B. [15] 1RM Bench Press C. [5] 1 set MR strict pullup D. [12] Run 1 mile E. If time allows, 1 set MR Pushup Post times, loads, and comments. Labor Day
08 06 14
WOD 08 06 14 A. DL (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%) Rest to 90% full recovery between B, C, and D. B. AMRAP [6]: 5 BS (225/155) 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats C. AMRAP [5]: 18-12-6 of DL (225/155). Perform 6 MU after each DL
08 02 14
WOD 08 02 14 A. [15] Find a 20RM u/b OHS B. In teams of 2 or 3, 1PW@T: AMRAP [15] Run 400m (switch anytime) 10 GHD situps 1 Rope Climb Post times, loads, and comments.