WOD 10 03 13 A. Snatch Balance (5×2 AHAP)/OHS (5×3 at challenging weight) B. 10 minutes to work on Handstands. If comfortable, attempt to establish a max distance HS walk. If new, attempt to get comfortable kicking up to handstand
10 01 13
WOD 10 01 13 A1. BTN Snatch Grip Push Press (5×6) @ 60%-75% 1RM Snatch A2. Weighted Dip 5×3 AHAP B. 10 minutes for Ring Work (select) Skin the cat: 10 total reps False Grip Holds: 5 sets x 10-20
09 13 13
Calling all Nerds and Geeks WOD 09 13 13 A. Front Squat 3-3-3-2-2-2. Attempt to set a 2RM if possible. B. “Helen” – 3RFT: Run 400m 21 KB Swings (53/35) 12 Pullups Compare to 06 12 13 Post times, loads, and