Holiday Party! Athlete Profile! WOD 12 10 12 A1. Back Squat (5 @ 68%, 3@ 77%, ME@ 86%) A2. Pullups* B. 8 min CAP: 30-20-10 Wallballs (20/14) 30-20-10 Wallball OH Lunges With remaining time: Max Over-the-wallball burpees. Both feet must stay together
12 05 12
WOD 12 05 12 A1. Pullups* A2. Push Jerk 4-3-3-2-2-1. (Technique over load). Make all sets prior to adding wt. B. AMRAP 15 min 10 u/b KB Swings (53/35) 25m Farmers Carry (53/35) 25m Backwards run 25m Walking Lunge 25m Backwards Farmers Carry
12 04 12
Holiday Party! WOD 12 04 12 A1. Bench Press (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%) A2. Pullups* B. 4 RFT: Run 200m 10 HSPU 12 Ring Dips 14 Pushups (Adv: BB pushups*) *See comments for details. Post times, loads, and comments.