Christine reppin’ CFRTP in Peru while knocking out some chores. Do you have a photo of you in your CFRTP gear while traveling? Send them to! WOD 09 22 14 A1. FS 6×6: across A2. Strict Pullup: 1 set (4-10
09 16 14
Matt with 300# this past Sunday WOD 09 16 14 P A1. BTN Snatch Grip Push Press 6×4 A2. One-armed DB Hang Snatch 5×6 each arm Perform B and C with one running clock (B+C): [C14] B. 4 rds: 6 DL (275/195) 24 u/b
09 12 14
WOD 09 12 14 P A. FS: 8×3 B. OTM [8]: (3 PC + 3 FS + 3 STO) for AMMAP. (165/115) C. If you complete B, add 10 lbs and perform B for 4 additional minutes. D. 3RFT: 10 burpees