08 30 14

WOD 08 30 14 A. [25] F: 1RM Jerk (any style) A. [25] P: 1RM Clean and Jerk (Clean can be any style) B. [15] “Fran” FT: 21-15-9 of Thruster (95/65) Pullup Post times, loads, and comments. Labor Day Weekend

08 27 14

WOD 08 27 14 A. [20] 1RM FS B. [10] 1RM Thruster C. “Cindy” [A20]: 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Squats Post times, loads, and comments. Alright folks, it’s testing week!  Time to see our improvements!  Post your PA’s! From

08 25 14

“I’m just now getting a chance to write a note about how bummed I am to be leaving CrossFit RTP. It didn’t just transform my body – it completely changed my attitude toward fitness and health. (I went from “I