08 18 14

WOD 08 18 14 F (Please read programming post linked below) A1. BS 4×6 @ 55% A2. Box Jump 4×6 (moderate difficulty) B. [6] Team pullups/chins C. Death by WB.  Begin Rd 1 @ 1:00.  Score is # of WB’s from prior min

08 13 14

Dave AKA “Mad Dog” will be relocating to Atlanta and today is his last day at the box!  Please come by to say goodbye!   WOD 08 15 14 A. 3 Rds NFT: 7 KBS, 7 Squats/WB B. DL (5@68%,3@77%,ME@86%) C.

08 12 14

WOD 08 12 14 A. BP (5@68%,3@77%,ME@86%) B. [10] Handstand walking/HS skill work (not HSPU) C. [14]: 7 Rds: 5 PJ (155/110), 7 Pushups, 9 Pullups D.  40 Total Windshield wipers break up anyhow.  Scale using supine on floor. Post times, loads,