Our HOLIDAY PARTY is this Saturday! Start thinking about those 2014 goals! Movement Screens tomorrow! New Athlete Profile! WOD 12 11 13 A1. Deadlift: (3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81%). No hitching! A2. Pullups: 3×5 weighed wide grip pullups. (or program). B. EMOM: 1 Squat Clean/Snatch (coach’s choice)
09 24 13
WOD 09 24 13 A. Back Squat: (5@70%, 5@74%, ME@77%) B. Wide Stance Good Mornings (5×8) using a moderate weight. This is a great exercise for tight hamstrings. If new to this movement, start with an empty bar. C. 4
08 16 13
WOD 08 16 13 A. Front Squat (1×5@65%, 1×4@75%, 1×4@80%, 1×4@85%) B. Stiff-Legged DL 3×5 (sets across at a moderate weight) C. “Cindy” or “Mary” (in Itatlics) AMRAP 20 min 5 Pullups (HSPU) 10 Pushups (Pistols) 15 Squats (Pullups) Post times,