WOD 05 17 13 A. Push Press (5@59%, 5@68%, ME@77%) using 1RM* B. Back Squat or L sit practice (accumulate 90 seconds on parallettes) C. Up to 3 attempts to establish a max set of wallballs* (20/14, 10′). *The set continues
05 10 13
Note for Saturday (5/11): Due to some construction at the box this weekend, our Saturday WOD (9AM, 10AM) will be held off site at the fields across from the Durham Public library (4505 S Alston Ave, Durham, NC). This is
05 03 13
A. Back Squats! B. Push Press: (5@68%, 3@77%, ME@86%) C. “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlift (225/155) HSPU *Scale appropriately for this one. As a guideline, use no more than 60% of your 1RM DL. Be a role model. You don’t have to