WOD 07 22 14 A. EMOM [12]: PP (12×2 ascending) B. DB Row (4 x 12 each arm) C. [14] NFT: 5 rds Run 200m 40 Handstand Wall Run (shoulder touches) 5 Cleans C. ADV AMRAP [14]: Run 200m 4 Wall Climbs
06 10 14
Happy Birthday to Roger! WOD 06 10 14 A. BP (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%) B. EMOM [8]: 1 set strict dip C. [12] Every 90 sec, complete AFAP: 8 u/b PP (115/75) 8 burpees Comments: What made you smile yesterday? Post times, loads, and comments.
05 24 14
The Mid-Atlantic Regionals continue today! Kim’s events are at the following times, so tune into the streaming events LIVE at games.crossfit.com/ Events 4: 12:20PM Event 5: 3:50PM Check back on our FB page for updates – we will also do our best to update