04 08 13

Benchmark time! Now that we’re done with the CF Games Open, it’s time to get back our ‘regularly scheduled’ programming.  To start, we will be benchmarking (testing) some of our basic lifts this week!  Remember folks, there is a difference

02 07 13

CROSSFIT GAMES 2013 IS HERE!  Here’s our plan! Social TODAY (2/7) !   WOD 02 07 13 A. Skin the cat x 12 (total reps broken anyhow) B. EMOM 12 min: Odd: 1 set of Pushups.  Select a constant number of reps

01 04 13

Everyone wanting to participate in the wellness challenge must attend one of our seminars. WOD 01 04 13 A1.  Hollow Rocks 3×10 A2. Front Lever Negatives 3×4.  Choose (tuck/1 foot tuck/2 feet out) B. For time: Row 500m 30 Overhead