03 05 13

WOD 03 05 13 A1. Deadlift (5@50%, 5@55%, 5@60%).  See comments for details. A2. Skin the cat (4×3) B. Accumulate 60 sec in a false grip hold (in a full turnout).  See comments for details. C. AMRAP 10 min: 6

10 16 12

WOD 10 16 12 A1. EMOM (Even): Hang Squat Clean (8×1).  Reps 4-8 should be >70% Clean 1RM. A2. EMOM (Odd): Strict Weighted Pullup (8×3) B. Skin-the-cats (3×3) C. For time [T7/C12]: 12 Front Squats (225/150) 24 KB Snatches (53/35)