12 10 13

Virtuosity. It goes farther than just impeccable form on your lifts. It means more than hitting the range of motion on every single rep – no matter how exhausted or wobbly you are. Virtuosity is more than just skillful ability.

11 23 13

Movie night (This Sunday)!  Who wants some awesome shorts? MEMBERS: We now no longer require a login to comment on the blog, but for those of you who still want to login, just go to the “members” menu to “Comments login”!

08 24 13

WOD 08 24 13 A1. Split Jerk (6×3) @ 50-60% 1RM Jerk (can be BTN).  Focus on speed and footwork. A2. Skin the cat (6×2) (Adv: Front Lev Neg) B. In teams of 2, 1 PW@T [C25] 150 Wallballs (20/14,10′) 120