Social on Friday! Are you going to do 13.4 Saturday? Check out these tips! WOD 03 29 13 A. Skill work (not heavy): Overhead Squat or Power Snatch + OHS Double Under practice B. Optional metcon: Not for
03 17 13
WOD 03 17 13 A. 20 min to establish a 1RM Snatch B. For time (1 bar @ 135/95) [T12/C18] 30 Barbell Lunges 25 Back Squats 20 Front Squats 15 Hang Power Cleans 10 Hang Snatches 5 Thrusters Post times, loads,
03 06 13
Have you signed up for the CrossFit Games Open yet to be a part of our team? Come on and sign up! *NOTE: It is impossible for your score to ‘hurt’ our team. At the end of each week, the top