WOD 10 11 12 A. 12 minutes to establish a 1RM Thruster B. Front Squat (5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%) C. 12 min AMRAP 15 KB Swings (53/35) 12 Sandbag lunges (60/40) 20 Double Unders EMOM Perform x burpees where x =
10 03 12
WOD 10 03 12 A. Back Squat (10@60%, 8@65%, 8@70%, 6@75%) B. “Jackie” Row 1000m 50 Thrusters (45/35) 30 Pullups C. TGU 2×6 AHAP Post loads, times and comments.
09 26 12
WOD 09 26 12 A. Front Squat (5@60%, 5@70%, 5@70, 5@75) B. [2 Position Hang Snatch (Hi-Hang & Mid Thigh)] 1-1-1-1 C. 10 min 120 Lunges w/ Slamball (30/20) Run 400m AMRAP with remaining time: 5 Thrusters (95/65) Adv: 115/75