CFRTP Summer Nutrition Challenge! This weekend we will have a few athletes competing at the Firestarter Challenge! Come out and help cheer them on! Saturday: Individual: Wade, David, Satana, Revanth, Megan Sunday: Team: Cat, Murphie, Jose, Anmar WOD 06
05 19 14
The Mid-Atlantic Regionals start this Friday, and our own Kim will be there competing representing CFRTP! You can check our FB page for updates – we will also do our best to update via blog comments. You can always watch
05 07 14
Send Kim to Regionals T shirt Fundraiser! WOD 05 07 14 A. FS (3×2 @ 90%, then 2×1 @ 95%) B. Team Pullups [6] C. In teams of 2, w 1PW@T [C18]: Run 600m (200m x 3: Partner A->B->A)