01 10 14

Our nutrition challenge starts on Monday 1/13!  Email if you’re in! “BulletProof Coffee” – by Anmar Who wants to go skiing?    WOD 01 10 14 A. Push Press: (5@59%, 5@68%, ME@77%).  Add 5 lbs to previous 1RM and then calculate

12 23 13

This week’s holiday schedule: M 12/23: Regular schedule T 12/24: 10AM only (WOD) W 12/25: Closed Th 12/26: 4:00 – 5:30PM (Open Gym with optional WOD) F 12/27:  4:00 – 5:30PM (Open Gym with optional WOD) SA 12/28: 10AM – 11AM (Open Gym