Trivia Thursday! Social on Friday! WOD 03 28 13 13.4 AMRAP 7 min: 3-6-9-12-15…of Clean and Jerk (135/95) T2B Notes: This workout begins from the standing position with the barbell on the floor and the Athlete standing tall. Every rep
03 25 13
13.3: Awesome job to everyone on 13.3 and kudos to those of you who were brave (dumb/stubborn?) enough to do it a second time! Our top scorers for this WOD for Females and Males were: Females: Kris: 248, Kim: 242, Carly: 241
03 18 13
13.2: Awesome job to everyone on 13.2! And for those of you that did it twice, what did you learn about yourself in the process? Our top scorers for this WOD for Females and Males were: Females: Kris: 342, Kim: