07 30 13

WOD 07 30 13 A. Power Snatch 5×2 AHAP.  Beginners(OHS: 5×5) B. Starting with (either 65/95/135): EMOM: 1 Push Press.  (+10lbs/min).  If you fail a rep, keep the weight on the bar and perform the next movement in the sequence.

07 22 13

Volunteers needed!   Interested in getting some grassfed beef?!   WOD  07 22 13 A. BS (1×8@ 65%, 1×8@70%, 1×6@80%, 1×6@85%) B. Tabata rounds (Sets 1-6 = PU, 7-12 = Situps, 13-18 = WB, 19-24 = Burps) 6 x (20 sec