One more time! Carolina Phoenix! WOD 07 18 13 A. Squat Clean + Jerk (10×1) @ 75%-85% B. Spend 10 minutes working on pistols* C. 10RFT [T10/C14]: 10 Wallballs (20#/14#, 10′) 20 DU’s. *See comments for other suggestions Post times,
07 13 13
Workouts at 9AM and 10AM only! If you are bringing a friend have them come to 10AM! (Then come out to CrossFit Invoke to root for your fellow RTP crew as they compete today!) WOD 07 13 13 A.
07 12 13
This weekend we’ve got a few things going on: a ton of us (like literally almost 2000 lbs of us) will be competing at CrossFit Invoke’s competition on Saturday (First heat starts at 9AM) so we would love it if