WOD 01 05 15
A. BS Build to heavy 2.2 x 5. Start @ 83%. This is a “Cluster set”. Rest 15 sec between sets of 2.
B. OTM [8]: 4-10 CTB K-Pullups
C AMRAP[12]:
24 WB
12 Dips
12 Pistols
D (Extra): 6RFT [C7]: 6 Strict CTB Chins, 6 Burpees AFAP
A. same
B. OTM [8]: 4-10 K-Pullups or Strict Chins
C AMRAP[12]:
24 WB
12 Dips
12 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
D (Extra): 30 burpees AFAP
Post times, loads, and comments.
Time to set some goals and get your nutrition dialed in!
01 05 15
A. 205
B. 5 CTB each time, worked on Butterfly C2b
C. 3+29
D. 4:53 (dropped to 3 chins after two rounds, arms were dead from wallballs and dips)
Huge 6am this am!!!
P – 4/1/3
A. 185, mostly. Got extremely heavy on me (~82%) and moved down for last set. Interesting format, but hard for me at this weight. [9]
B. 4 C2B ea. Worked on kick form in standard kip.
C. 3+8, assisted pistols, 14# wallball so I wouldn’t spend the whole 12 minutes doing WB. Dips kept up fairly well given the quantity. [8]
D. Did burpees since I don’t have strict c2b chins. 2:06 [8]
Huge shout out to Suneel who completed his first CrossFit metcon today at 6:30PM!
Did the F schedule
A. Worked up to 85#
B. 36 kipping swings
C. Got 3 + 2 with 6# WB, modified push ups, and a 20″ box jump
I’m ready to claw my way back!!!