A. q(0:30), for as long as possible

Rd 1, complete 1 Cal Row

Rd 2, complete 2 Cal Row…

* (+1 cal / round.  Work until work cannot be completed within the 0:30.)

-Rest until everyone is done


B. q(0:30), for as long as possible

Rd 1, complete 1 (30′) shuttle run

Rd 2, complete 2 (30′) shuttle runs.  *Scale to shorter run if needed


* (+1 Rd / round. Work until work cannot be completed within the 0:30


Complete A, then B one more time each.


C1. Lying DB Chest Fly 4×12 (light)

C2. DB Bench Press 4×10 (mod-heavy)

C3. Strict Chin ups 4×8

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