If anyone is interested in joining us for a trip to Fairfax, VA for the Regional competition, please email info@crossfitrtp,com or sign up on the board at the box! We are trying to secure some hotel reservations soon!
WOD 04 03 14
A1. PP (6×4 @70%)
A2. Dynamic Pushup (6×10)
B. False Grip pullup (5 sets for max total reps)
C. FT:
60 KBS (53/35)
15 burpees
40 Strict Pullups
15 burpees
20 STO (135/95)
15 burpees
Post times, loads, and comments.
04 03 14
Hey Y’all!
If I am able to get a ride to the gym at 5:00 pm, would anyone going to the 5:30 class and passing by the intersection of Barbee Rd. and 54 be able to give me a lift back home? Jeremy has to use the car to work late tonight…
Hey Foots! I can get you home.
Awww!! Thanks, Liz! Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time for Jer to drop me off. I’m pretty sure I can make tomorrow. Thanks again! You’re awesome!