Schedule Update!


WOD 04 16 14

A. OHS: 20 minutes to work up to a heavy set of 5.  Then, attempt a max rep OHS with this weight.

B. Ring Pushups 3×8 (3 sec pause at top) AHAP.  (+weight with backpack in front)

C. EMOM, using 55% of the load from (A):

Min 1: 3 OHS, 3 T2B (scale using hanging straight leg raises)

Min 2: Max DU

Min 3: 5 OHS, 5 T2B

Min 4: Max DU

Min 5: 7 OHS, 7 T2B

Continue until the work cannot be completed within the minute.

Score is 2 parts: Total reps of (OHS + T2B), and total double unders.

Post times, loads, and comments.

Caleb Overhead Squat

04 16 14
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