Happy Birthday to Roger!
WOD 06 10 14
A. BP (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%)
B. EMOM [8]: 1 set strict dip
C. [12] Every 90 sec, complete AFAP:
8 u/b PP (115/75)
8 burpees
Comments: What made you smile yesterday?
Post times, loads, and comments.
06 10 14
I smiled when I saw this quote:
“The only thing that ever sat it’s way to success was a hen.”–Sarah Brown
Happy birthday Roger! Sorry I didn’t know this earlier.
A. 8@130#
B. Shoulder is giving me grief. Just did some DU practice here.
C. This was deceptively difficult. Worked at 65#, Kept to working about 40-45 seconds each round.
Back at Max Fitness CF today. They did a CrossFit total, but since we had just tested they allowed me to do my Wendler back squats from Monday: 265 x6.
happy birthday roger!!
a. BP- 8×128
b. check
c. not so bad, until the last couple of rounds. TRICEP burn!!
any day that I don’t see “wallballs” makes me smile 🙂