CFRTP Summer Nutrition Challenge!
We will have a few athletes competing at the Firestarter Challenge today and tomorrow! Come out and help cheer them on!
- Saturday: Individual: Wade, David, Satana, Revanth, Megan
- Sunday: Team: Cat, Murphie, Jose, Anmar
WOD 06 21 14
A1. EMOM [18] E: 3 OHS/2-Pos HPS
A2. EMOM [18] O: 3-6 Hanging Leg Raises
B. Teams of 2, 1PW@T [C14]:
OHS (155/105)*
Strict Pullups, then strict dips (Adv: MU)*
Burpee Box Overs (24″/20″)-begins with box over
Partner A completes 9 of each movement before partner B begins, then A completes 6, etc…
*Partner in hollow body hold for rep to count.
In remaining time, max DU with 1PW@T
Post times, loads, and comments.
06 21 14