July 4th hours: 9AM, 10AM, all other WODs cancelled. We will be doing a hero WOD!
July 5th, 6th: Regular hours
WOD 07 01 14
A. BP (5@59%,5@68%,ME@77%)
+5 lbs to your true 1RM to calculate percentages.
B1. Dips (4×10)
B2. Band Pullaparts (4×10)
C. 6 RDs (for time and reps): 1 set T2B, Run 200m
Record total time and total T2B.
Post times, loads, and comments.
07 01 14
A. Base at 165#, 9@127#
B. Dips felt heavy but possible today.
C. 11:41, 42; nearly consistent sets of 7. My shoulders weren’t particularly interested in sets of 10 😛
Take care Kevin! it was great having you at CF RTP!