Kris Misty partner WOD

WOD 08 09 14

A. Find a 10RM PP/STO

B. In teams of 3 w/ 2PW@T (3 teammates can be one of 3 roles: A, B, C):

In this workout, all repetitions must be synchronized by round.  This means that the two paired movements must be performed in sync with each other by rounds in the specified number of reps.  (the second round of each movement may not begin until the first round of both movements are complete).  The end of each round is also the only time the teams may switch roles between partners.

2 rounds of:

{AMRAP [3]: A: 8 Deadlifts (225/155), B: 8 GHDSU/ABMSU, C: rest

Rest [1]

AMRAP [3]: A: 6 OHS (135/95):  B: 36 DU/6 Box Overs (24″/20″), C: rest

Rest [1]

AMRAP [3]: A: 4 Bar MU/8 KBS, B: HS/Plank hold, C: rest

Rest [1]}

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08 09 14

One thought on “08 09 14

  • 08 09 2014 at 12:32 pm

    I’m really enjoying these short fast intervals we have been doing!

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