Get in our Fantasy Football League!
WOD 08 12 13
A. BS (5@70%, 5@80%, 2@85%, 3@90%, 1@100%) – no typos here
B. GHR: 3 sets for max unbroken reps (2011).*
C. In teams of 2 (1 person working at a time),
4RFT [C15]:
400m Sprint Relay (200m + 200m)
1 Prowler Push (Prowler + PartnerA)
25 pullups (total) Adv: CTB
1 Prowler Push (Prowler + Partner B)
*Read the colored portion of this.
Post times, loads, and comments.
08 12 13
A: 1×265#, felt easy, kept going. Finished at 295#, 30# PA
B: 5
C: 12:30 w/ Troy
Nice job SASKIN!
Cool picture. Thanks, Lei!
Thanks for being a BAMF
The picture is freakin’ spectacular!
A. 125# – which would be a 10# PR
B. 7 – this tempo was weird
C. Teamed up with Dallas. We managed 3 rds +200m. I did my pullups w/ a red band.
Blue band be all jelly
A. Failed at my 1RM (170#), so I got 3 reps at 150#
B. 8
C. Got 3 rounds even with Megan (woot woot!!). Had to use a red band (red + purple on the last round) for my pullups.